Book: More or Less: Choosing a Lifestyle of Excessive Generosity
Author: Jeff Shinabarger
Genre: Christian, Religion & Spirituality
Publisher/Publish Date: David C. Cook / March 1, 2013
Source: ARC ebook review copy from Publisher
Pages: 224
Rating: 5/5
Other books from author: Author's first book. He is the creative director at Catalyst and founder of GiftCardGiver.com and Plywood People.
Website: moreorlessbook.com
GoodReads • Amazon
In More or Less, Jeff Shinabarger calls readers to create their own social experiments to answer the question, “What is enough?”
It all started with one idea: What would happen if we created a culture in which we gave away whatever was more than enough for us? How would our habits change if we shed the excess of money, clutter, and food in our lives? In More or Less, readers will learn how to draw a line of “enough” in their consumer choices, how to see generosity as a chance to experience freedom in a greedy world, and how to make small changes now that will help others forever. As Shinabarger reminds them, defining “enough” is more than a responsibility—it is an opportunity to give hope.
Book description via GoodReads
Do you have more than enough? Want to make a different in your life and others, and don't know where to start?
Jeff Shinabarger is a man full of ideas. And gratefully he has some pretty great ideas on how to be more generous in our daily lives. He inspires generosity by looking at our lives, and finding excess. By giving up that excess to help someone with less.
This book sort of reads like a how-to book. Each chapter focus on a specific topic: presents, clothes, time, etc. With stories throughout the book of ways his friends and neighbors have made a difference in their community. They looked for what they had more than enough of and then found a way to use it to help others.Jeff Shinabarger is a man full of ideas. And gratefully he has some pretty great ideas on how to be more generous in our daily lives. He inspires generosity by looking at our lives, and finding excess. By giving up that excess to help someone with less.
"Excess is the think I can give away today and it wouldn't change a single aspect of our tomorrow."
The book forces you to reconsider what you have. What can you share with other? How can you rearrange your life to help those in your neighborhood who have less? How do you form stronger community ties? What can you give up that will help you better understand those that make do with less?
The book ends by challenging the reader to do the same. A plan of action. A guide to live a life of generosity.
It was easy to read, conversational in tone, and I really enjoyed reading his personal stories. They helped me relate to him, and feel this is something I can do with him. He never hit me over the head with his message.
While the book is written from a Christian perspective, it's not central to the book, and I think can be enjoyed and appreciated by anyone. I highly really recommend this to anyone and everyone to read.
"I am me. And because no other person can be me, I am good enough."