This is a unique one, not written by a hiker, but a man who owns and runs an outdoor gear store. Which, uniquely, the trail literally goes through. It's only 30 miles from the southern starting point, being a perfect place to help hikers who come through unprepared. He's there ready with advice on packing lighter and better equipment. In exchange for the much needed help, he gets to witness an amazing assortment of characters.
It's amazing how adventures like the Appalachian Trail bring out crazy and unique people. Running a store like this seems like so much fun, never a dull day and a continuos assortment of people to meet and hear stories from (while the get the chance to shower and use a real toilet).
After reading this book I was reading a blog by a AT hiker and he mentioned this store, so it was fun to have a little history of what he was referring to. While I would love to hike part of the trail someday, not the whole thing, it's nice to experience through other people's stories for now.
Ratings: 3.75 out of 5
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